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Rating System

Our trails are rated from 1 (the easiest) to 5 (the most difficult). These ratings are based on the trail overall, not just on one or two tough spots. Rain, prior to the event or during the trail ride, may increase trail ratings by one or two points.


Please be honest with yourself about your vehicle and your off-highway driving experience when selecting a trail. Drivers or vehicles on trails for which they are not prepared greatly reduce the enjoyment for themselves and other participants.


All vehicles will be subject to inspection prior to trail departure. We recommend full cage rollover protection for all open top vehicles. Properly mounted tow hooks (factory mounted or mounted with two grade 8 bolts or better) or substantially mounted pull point (front and rear) is required. To protect the land, tires can be no more than 44″, based on DOT tire lettering.

 Our Trails 

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Rated 1

Ridge Rambler

This 1 rated trail wanders through hardwood forests, around ponds, across creeks, and through pastures where an abundance of wildflowers prevail. Redheaded woodpeckers are often seen flitting among the trees and even deer, turkey, or maybe a newborn calf can be seen. Property owners Hamer and Jenny enjoy showing the sights to all comers. On a clear day from the hilltops the view seems to go on forever.

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Rated 2+

3 Hour Tour

Information coming…

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Rated 3

Lake Shore Drive

This popular 3 rated trail has returned and is as much fun as ever. This trail is run east of town near Lake Pittsfield and consists of a dive into a rocky creek bed and then climbing up a waterfall. This can provide a lot of entertainment, especially when the moss has been growing on the rocks. After that there are some tight twisty turns, called “Suck It Up” then on to “Rock and Roll”, a series of boulder strewn draws. From there we go past an old well, called the Wishing Well, and then up a steep muddy hill. After that, if there is still daylight, there may be other portions of the trail to be run.


Rated 4

Myer’s Mayhem

This 4 rated trail has it all! At the very start, conquer Robert’s Revenge. Small tires and low clearance won’t keep you off, however it will slow you down as you find another way onto the trail. Then meander the short distance to a deceiving little spot that will prove tricky and test your wits when wet. Turn and launch yourself skyward as you climb one of Mayhem’s many steep hills; then a daring drop into Rattler Ravine that offers plenty of off camber, frame twisting, and when wet, sliding. If Tip Back Falls and Pinball Machine don’t get the best of you, The Pit will. Taking the wrong lines could result in exciting rides. For the bravehearted and locker equipped, you may want the challenge of dancing with the Devil at ” Hell’s Gate ” . (A locker is absolutely required!) If you are looking for a little bit of everything, this is the trail for you. But watch out, Myer’s may create mayhem on you!!! A working winch is required and lockers are strongly recommended.

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Rated 1+

Poor Boy

This 1+ trail started in 2015 using some easier parts of Dutch Creek with some new addition. There will be more built in the future. This trail traverses hills and hollows plus some creek hardwood timber and open pasture lands. It’s a nice beginner’s trail or a relaxing day for an old pro.

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Rated 2+

Looking for a trail which will let you see every type of terrain in Pike County? This 2+ rated trail is for you. It starts with a rolling pasture with numerous creek crossings, hill climbs, and the infamous “Carburetor Alley.” It ends in the rugged hardwood forest following a winding creek and climbing and descending “Two Winch Hill,” “Rock Hill,” and “Aussie Hill.” “The Waterfall” will test your water crossing and rock climbing ability. If you want a bigger challenge and don’t mind getting muddy, there is always the optional “Mud Hole.” In this scenic area, deer and wild turkey are often spotted and beautiful wild flowers cover the landscape. Murphy’s Law will offer you many Kodak moments and memories of what wheeling is all about.

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Rated 3

Pokey’s Run

In this 3 rated trail, you’ve entered the land of Pokey’s Run, some of the highest and most scenic land around. You will test your skills on Toboggan Hill, Rooster Hill, or Piece-of-Cake Hill. There are rocks to crawl over, creeks to drive through, and some of the most costly trees you can run into. Most of the hard spots do have by-passes. If it rains or is muddy, plan on spending the day trying to get up or down two or three hills. Little Dakota is there for a try, as is the Waterfall and Humbling Hole, plus an off camber trail along a ridge – and thanks to the trees, you can’t see the bottom. Expect a lot of fun, a good trail, and a fun time. Be prepared to laugh, have a great day, and regret the drive back to town. You’ll want the day to go on and on and on . . .

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Rated 4+

Capps Canyon

In this 4+ rated trail, the scenery is very familiar as it is close to Dutch Creek. Don’t let this fool you. You WILL be needing your lockers and body armor as we crawl through the nasty tight v-notches. Pick the wrong line and you will be on your side having to winch your way out. You also may need a spare seat cushion climbing Three Wise Men Hill and the nose standing descent into Mr. Freeze. It seems inevitable that we will have too much fun and someone will get a little wild and break something. This is a very demanding trail on drivers and machine.

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Rated 2

New Salem

If Abe had been around when Jeeps were, I’m sure he would have preferred this New Salem over that other New Salem. On this 2 rated trail you won’t just meander through the hills–you’ll go over them and back down, and if it’s not too wet, you’ll go back up again. “Buck’s Hill” is sure to hold a surprise or two. The “Gun Tree” is still there as is the “Locust Grove” where you’ll experience more twists and turns. And finally don’t miss “The Point of No Return” or you might not come back.

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Rated 2+

Dutch Creek

This challenging 2+ rated trail undertakes the mighty Dutch Creek with its rolling hills and obstacles. You’ll appreciate springs and shocks as you travel approximately two miles along and though the creek. Dutch Creek offers many challenges for both vehicle and driver. If it has rained, better pack a snorkel, too! You will see an occasional waterfall and will want to be prepared to capture photographs of wildlife along this trail.

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Rated 3+

County Line

County Line, a 3+ rated trail, is appropriately named since it’s on the border of Pike and Brown Counties. The beginning is deceiving with a couple of easy creek crossings but then the fun begins! You descend into a difficult creek crossing and then you seem to go straight up – and this is just in the first 15 minutes. There are numerous sand crossings, swamp crossings and more than enough off-camber for everyone. Even in the dry season this is a wet trail so come prepared to get dirty – – real dirty!

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Rated 4+

Mystery Trail / Jr.

The Mystery Trail is becoming a favorite among the 4+ trails of TRJC. It offers just about anything you could want with beautiful terrain. The trail is constantly changing with new areas being discovered, hence Mystery Trail. The trail guides continue to keep it challenging to everyone that tries it. Body, mechanical damage and roll overs are possible. Full roll cage, winch, lockers are required.


These trails feature mild obstacles. In optimum weather conditions the trail may not require the continual use of 4 wheel-drive. Chances of vehicular damage are extremely low.


 Intended for those with little or no experience and a stock vehicle.


These trails are moderately demanding. Under dry conditions stock vehicles with stock tires will work. However, those with larger tires and more aggressive tread will do better. You will encounter a wide variety of challenges, including mud holes, creeks, hill climbs, and tight maneuvers through trees. Chances for vehicular damage are relatively low.


Intended for drivers with little or no experience driving a modified vehicle, or experienced drivers with a stock vehicle.


These trails are more demanding on both vehicle and driver. You will encounter obstacles such as rocks, deep ruts, off camber grades, and difficult hill climbs. You will find vehicle modifications such as increased ground clearance, lower gears, lockers, 33 ” + tires great benefit here. Required: 31″ or larger tires, full roll cage for open vehicles and tied to the windshield frame at a minimum (Older vehicles with rear seats must have roll bar protection for rear seat passengers) and winch 8,000 lbs or greater. The potential for body and/or mechanical damage can be a bit greater here depending upon conditions and the driver’s capability.


Intended for drivers with experience and a modified vehicle.


Do not even try in a stock vehicle or if you are inexperienced. These trails demand the ultimate in traction and reliability from your vehicle. Ruts and mud holes will be deeper. Rocks will be bigger and slicker. You will encounter greater off-camber, steps, ledges, and steeper climbs and descents. Maximum ground clearance, lower gears, front and rear lockers, 33 ” + tires with aggressive treads, winch, tools, and spare parts will be in order for these trails. Full cage and winch are required.  Harness style seat belts are Strongly Recommended. Be prepared for vehicular damage (body, drive train, tires, etc.) On trail repairs may be likely.


Intended for expert drivers with a highly modified vehicle.


One should be able to traverse a 4 rated trail with no problem or worries before even thinking of taking on a 5 obstacle. Obstacles rated 5 may be optional on some trails. Body damage, breakage, and rollovers are possible. Full cage, harness style seat belts, and winch are required.


This category is reserved for the most difficult obstacles/trails and is intended for hardcore drivers with a highly modified vehicle only!

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